Deal with Gun Threats – Seminar
Deal with Gun Threats. You will learn to disarm a handgun, the RCAD system and how to act and react to this threat from every angle.
Deal with Gun Threats. You will learn to disarm a handgun, the RCAD system and how to act and react to this threat from every angle.
KRAV MAGA BANGKOK DEFENSE AGAINST KNIFE THREATS SEMINAR February 12th, 2020 - 6.00 p.m. Defense Against Knife Threats Seminar. You've been asking for it, Here it is! Krav Maga Bangkok…
SILC Private Women Self-Defense Seminar - KRAVit - Krav Maga For Women Only! It's time for Session 2. Tuesday, November 26th., 2019 at 9.00 AM. SILC Private Women Self-Defense Seminar…
3rd Party Protection. Learn how to protect your loved ones. November 16th, 2019 - 2.00 p.m. Krav Maga Bangkok 3rd party protection seminar. One of our most important self-defense seminars.…
KRAVIT - Women Krav Maga Seminar for The Israeli Women's Group of Bangkok. Wednesday September 25th, 2019. Kravit - Women Krav Maga Seminar. What is KRAVIT? KRAViT is Hebrew word…
KRAV MAGA GROUND DEFENSE - FIGHTING August 3rd., 2019. Surviving an Assault on the Ground Seminar. You may not always be able to plan for attacks, but you can train…
KRAViT - SILC WOMEN KRAV MAGA SEMINAR June 4th, 2019. Women Self-Defense seminar Unleash the ‘KRAViT’ in you, your combatant/fighting spirit with KRAV MAGA BANGKOK. KRAViT is Hebrew word for…